What are dreams? The concept of dreaming

Dreams that we experience in our sleep are the most complex and fascinating activities that our brain and our body perform. Freud and many other psychoanalysts, physiologists, biologists, and philosophers tried to explain the phenomenon of dreaming in their own way but it's still the most mysterious experience of human life.
The concept of dreaming
Our brain is labyrinthine. It doesn’t perceive only what is happening around us but also the things that are not done by us. It takes us to the places where we don’t practically go. It gives us the feeling of reality when nothing is real. This happens when we are dreaming. The same can be regarded as our imagination too. But when we’re imagining we are voluntarily accepting the fact that we’re moving from real to unreal. In dreams, we see unexpected and unanticipated. Everything is totally new to us.
The reasons that make us anxious
What makes you dream? Why do you see good dreams and why do nightmares haunt you so frequently? Do blind people dream? If they do what do they see? Are they not blind when they’re dreaming? All these questions are intriguing and fascinating. On this page you will read all the very good reasons for dreaming and the actual science behind it.
A stage of slumber
As we all know dreams are basically a stage of our sleep. They’re the stories and moving images that our brain plays when we’re not conscious and wide awake. There can be all kinds of dreams. Fun, haunting, confusing, romantic, upsetting, and anything you can think of. The topic of the day is what is the concept behind dreaming? Why do they happen to us? And who gets to decide which kind we will be seeing tonight or in our upcoming slumber?
The answers
The most probable answers to the aforementioned questions are as follows:
- Dreams occur to demonstrate to us our hidden wishes and desires. They might also occur as random signs from our brain that it wants us to interpret. Or, we dream to process the information that our brain collects throughout the day. This usually happens when something is consistently on our mind to the extent that it doesn’t want to leave us even in our sleep.
- Secondly, our brain is programmed to fix the errors in our body. For example, if our body encounters certain infection, our brain forms antibodies that fight the infection. At the same time it causes fever or flu for us to know that something is not going right inside us. Similarly, there can be psychological errors that our brain thinks need to be fixed. To solve them our brain shows us the dreams that work on us as psychotherapy. These are the various theories behind dreaming.
Dreams and religion
In many religions, people believe that dreams are signs from God that can be interpreted to know about any happening in the future or to fix something in present.
When do dreams occur?
Normally dreams occur after an hour of the sleep and can prolong as long as you continue to sleep. According to a recent theory, infants spend nearly half of their time dreaming in their sleep. That’s the reason we often see them crying or laughing depending upon the type of the dream they’re having.
Memorizing the dreams
In adults, most people don’t remember their dreams. That is sometimes too annoying when you keep lying in bed for a couple of minutes after you wake up thinking hard to cast your mind back to the dream.
All in all, dreams are an inseparable part of life and you have to live with them whatsoever. So feel happy about your capacity to dive into an unreal world. If it’s pleasant, cherish it and if it’s dreadful, again feel delighted because it isn’t true and you’ve actually reversed a bad occurrence of your life. Happy dreaming!
Interesting Facts about Dream:
- 12% of the people of the world have dreams in black and white.
- People who are blind can see colorful or colorless images in their dreams.
- In your dreams, you cannot really see the faces that you’ve have never seen.
- Your body becomes paralyzed during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) period of your sleep when the most vivid and colorful dreams occur.
- You forget about 50% of your dream within only five minutes of waking up.
- On average, a person spends six years of his/her life dreaming.
- On average, a person can have four to seven dreams within a night.
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