Ergonomics: Definition, Applications, Advantages

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Ergonomics: Definition, Applications, Advantages

Ergonomics is the process or methodology for arranging or designing workplaces, products, and systems of a working environment so that they are best fitted for the people who work there.

The need for comfy environment at work

We look for comfort, especially while we’re working. To achieve the greatest level of efficiency, organizations make sure that the employees are provided with the most convenient surroundings, systems, and products. The branch of science that deals with the external resources to provide a user-friendly environment to workers is known as Ergonomics. This includes the tools, seating arrangement and all the job conditions of a workplace.

Applications of Ergonomics

There are plenty of reasons that justify the application of ergonomics. It reduces the risks of problems that can get the employees sick and injured, the cost of which in turn is borne by the companies. For instance, an employee can get a severe backache if proper seating chair that allows them to work in the right posture is not provided to them.

Definition of Ergonomics

Ergonomics is a new science which is the result of years of research and surveys in physiology, psychology, and engineering. It involves a number of other subjects like:

  • Biomechanics- the study of strength, force, levers, and muscles.
  • Anthropometry- the study of populations, variations, and body sizes
  • Environmental physics- science related to human senses, noise, light, etc.
  • Psychology- the study of groups, learning, communications, adaptability, etc.

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Importance of Ergonomics

Whenever ergonomics is overlooked the omission is always regretted because then we omit the preventive steps to escape worker’s compensation in adverse situations. Plus, if our workers fail in performing any task efficiently and cause a loss to third parties, then we will be vicariously liable for the loss where the aggrieved persons can claim excessive damages from us, which is not the only thing to worry about but our reputation will be at risk. Therefore, considering office ergonomics is the foremost job to do when we’re building an office.

Advantages of Ergonomics

Ergonomics overall helps us in minimizing our overall expenditure and enhancing the productivity level. Besides, it curtails the chances of accidents and unfavorable situations at workplaces. Besides, it also improves the quality of output because the workers are healthy and fit to work to their maximum capabilities. The employees are more engaged in their work without getting distracted. Most importantly ergonomics adds to the company’s goodwill. When our workers are satisfied with the working conditions they spread a good word about the organization which is a very important factor to invite investments and more competent manpower.

Other Uses

Ergonomics is not confined to workplaces only but it can be extended to our homes as well. It is considered in the manufacture of home essentials to allow our bodies to acquire the maximum level of comfort while we're sitting on a sofa or using a laptop in bed. All these things are referred to as home ergonomics. For the purpose of home ergonomics, ergonomic furniture is available to minimize backache and painful body conditions. In addition, ergonomic kitchen tools are also there to make sure that we don’t meet injuries while working in the kitchen. While growing plants in a garden, snow shovels, and Motus tools are specially designed considering ergonomics that we can use to ensure a comfortable and environment-friendly gardening experience.

Things like shoulder bags, shoes, and similar personal belongings are also designed as per ergonomics standards.

Facts about Ergonomics

  • Ergonomics inevitably reduces the costs of a company.
  • Approximately, 1 out of every 3 workers get MSDs as compensation; ergonomics provides you with an opportunity for significant cost savings on MSDs.
  • An injury in the workplace has many negative consequences for the company.
  • Workstation adaptation or readjustment doesn’t work on its own.
  • OHS Inspections that charge with penalties are more effective for the workplace.
  • Ergonomics makes you respond to your employee concerns; it is the most helpful feature of a workplace.
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