Democracy vs dictatorship with Facts

When human rights were introduced to the world, some degree of humanity was restored to it. Following which, additional developments were also made to get the general and public welfare recognized. When the governments were despotic, the kings and rulers exploited people in every possible way till the time concepts like democracy, socialism and communism came into being.
What is Democracy?
Democracy is a term coined for the government of the people, by the people and for the people. In this system, the citizens get to decide who deserves to rule them. In that sense it bestows a plethora of rights on the people where they have the liberty to agree or disagree with the laws implemented by the legislature. In democracy, people choose their representatives who act on their behalf and make decisions as per the popular vote. As against the tyrannical rule, in democracy people are free to acquire property and manage, sell and whatever they like to do with it. People are happy with their rulers because what matters the most in democracy is the public welfare.
Dictatorship- The Tyrant Rule
In contrast, dictatorship is a rigid form of government in which people are not given the liberties they could otherwise get in the democratic form of government. The head of the state is not elected by them. He takes power either by means of a military coup d’état or any other situation which is totally unfavorable for the citizens. The status quo remains intact till people rise and strip the government of its power. It is an authoritarian form of government in which the word of the dictator is law. He imposes sanctions upon the citizens if they dare to disobey him.
However, sometimes dictatorship is not as bad as it sounds. This system has been advocated by a lot of great philosophers like John Austin. According to him, the people deliberately surrender their rights to the king in return of peace and tranquility he maintains under his rule. He makes laws without letting people have their say. He can take critical decisions as he deems fit without any delays and uprisings in the decision making process. In this way it’s a way faster and efficient form of government as per Austin.
Key Differences between Dictatorship and Democracy
In dictatorship the power belongs to the dictator whereas in democracy people are the ultimate rulers.
Laws in dictatorship are framed by the dictator whereas people are the lawmakers in democracy.
In democracy, people have their rights recognized in the very Constitution of their state which are called fundamental rights that can never be suspended by the government.
In dictatorship, the dictator promises no rights to his subjects.
In democracy, people are indulged in all decisions related to economic, social, political and military affairs whereas in dictatorship who are people to decide? They just sit back and follow.
In democracy, people can rise when justice is denied to them, where on the other hand they dare not rise against the dictator because he wouldn’t be taken to task even if he executes someone.
Overall, democracy is regarded as the purest form of government. It’s not that the public actions are not regulated in democracy. They’re also penalized for the crimes they commit. It is the most stable system under which both the ruled as well as the rulers are content.
Key Facts and Statistics:
- As per the Pew Research Center, around 46% of the people of the United States are happy with how the democracy is running in the country on October 30, 2017.
- According to the Pew Research Center, about 92% of the Swedes said that the representative democracy is a right way of running their country on October 30, 2017.
- As per the Pew Research Center, around 95% of the Germans opposed dictatorship on October 30, 2017.
- According to the Pew Research Center, about 87% of the Vietnamese supported representative democracy on October 30, 2017.
- As per the Pew Research Center, around 55% of the Indians supported dictatorship on October 30, 2017.
- According to the Pew Research Center, only about 6% of the Mexicans are happy with how the democracy is running in their country on October 30, 2017.
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