What are the basic human rights?

As humans are considered the best of all other beings, "the survival of the fittest" rule is not normal for us always. We believe in reasons and rights. There are some basic things that a human being need in his/her life to live maintaining a minimum standard; these things are called the basic human rights.
The need to be liberal
Many years ago, in the age of tyrant rulers only the ones who ruled could live like we all are living today. You might ask here, what exactly in our life is pointed when it’s said: "live like us". It’s the freedom and liberty to fulfil our needs and necessities, the feeling of being human and bearer of food, clothes and shelter. What do you think gives a person all these liberties? What makes them feel protected? What is the biggest source of their contentment? It’s the recognition of human rights.
Rights and duties
Rights and duties go hand in hand in the life of every citizen whichever country he belongs to. A right is something that a person is entitled to in return of his existence. It is an inalienable gift that cannot be snatched. Human rights have made the world much organized and stable and it wouldn’t be possible without all those leaders and activists who strived till death to get these rights recognized. This began with Magna Carta in England in 1215, when people realized that all humans are entitled to basic rights of life.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was enacted in 1948, which was signed by most of the Countries of the world. This initiative was the first of its kind to impose uniform human rights universally.
Can human rights be taken away?
Although human rights are the only rights that cannot be separated from a person from birth till death. In fact, they’re extended to even an unborn child in the womb, who is sometimes entitled to certain rights, for example, the right of succession. However, there are circumstances when a person is no more a possessor of some or all of his rights. It happens when he violates the law, then the State can take his rights away for the purposes of common welfare and national security.
Read More: Concept of Humanism
What are the basic human rights?
The most preeminent rights are as follows:
- Right to life
- Right to education
- Right to profess religion
- Right to dignity
- Right to privacy
- Right to a fair trial
- Protection from unlawful detention
- Protection from child labor and slavery
- Freedom of expression
- Right of employment etc.
The Dark Background
Post World War II, half the world was mired in destruction. There had to be an initiative taken by the United Nations for assuring that similar hostilities never reoccur. For this purpose, UDHR was enacted and signed by all the members of UNO.
Gradually, the other fields of life were also touched by the Organization, which are evident in the International Bill of Human Rights.
International Bill of Human Rights
It consists of the following three enactments:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
As generations were on the move, one after another, the number of conventions were also followed and agreed between the countries.
Despite all these developments, it’s sad to see that the world today is once again deviating from stability and peace. The internal tensions in the under-developed States, growing poverty rate and racial violence and brutality in the world are all beginning to mark the start of an uncontrollable mayhem which can still be stopped before it’s too late.
Facts about Human Rights:
- Violence against girls and women is the most common and overwhelming violation of human rights in the world.
- 603 million women are living in societies where violence against women aka ‘domestic violence’ is not still considered a violation of human rights.
- 82% of the countries of the world, i.e. 131 out of 160, violate human rights on a regular basis.
- 58% of the countries of the world, i.e. 93 out of 160, violated human rights by conducting unfair trials.
- Almost 3 out of 4 governments of the world, i.e. 119 out of 160, restrict the human rights of freedom of expression.
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